Discovering and sharing the life-changing grace of God
We desire to be real in our lives, with God and with each other. We strive for this by being...
Evangelical but not exclusive
Biblical but not doctrinaire
Traditional but not rigid
Congregational but not independent.
We believe that God is alive and relevant in our world and that we are to be the "visible expression of the invisible God." Col 1:8.
We do this by having our Service at 10:30 a.m. Sunday Morning, having Bible Studies etc. By serving those in our community and outside our community, i.e., providing food for those in need, serving with others at the Downtown Soup Kitchen, working with our denomination, the Evangelical Covenant Church, to serve those around Alaska, the USA and the world.
You can find out more about New Song Covenant on the Web, on Face Book or by contacting us.
Keywords: New, Song, Covenant Church, contemperary