Hunting Outfitters Specializing in Alaska Coastal Brown Bear, Alaska Yukon M oose and Dall Sheep
Nushagak Guides, based out of Dillingham, Alaska in the Bristol Bay area, is a time tested, proven guide operation with a consistent record of successful hunts. We specialize your hunting experience by taking a limited number of hunters, which allows us to focus on making sure you get the highest quality hunt available. Our guides have specific knowledge of the area where we hunt, allowing us to take you places that other outfitters are not familiar with.. The hunting area is vast and consists of a combination of state park concessions, native lease lands and state owned areas. We have invested most of our guiding experience to this area that has resulted is a safe, successful hunting experience for our clients. The bears we harvest are some of the finest you'll find in the state. Our hunters have consistently taken B&C trophies each year and the success rate as been 100% for the last six years. The hides of the bears in this location are the best quality you will find, with very long guard hair. An additional advantage we have is the opportunity to hunt from our lodge. We have all the comforts of home, including hot showers and great home cooked meals. Our hunters love being able to come back to a warm lodge at the end of a long day and relax and relive the events of the day. As you may know, Alaska is known for having some of the worst weather and most difficult conditions you can encounter, so being in a comfortable lodge at the end of the day can make a significant difference in your enjoyment of the hunt. Many of our experienced Alaska hunting clients have said this hunt was one of the most fun and enjoyable hunts they have experienced because of the comfort level and great atmosphere. All in all, we provide the whole package, one of the most pleasurable hunts you will take with an opportunity for some great trophy Alaskan brown bears.
Keywords: Brown Bear Hunts
Brown Bear Hunting
Alaska Hunting
Alaskan Brown Bear
Alaska Yukon Moose